"Sacred Places embody the hidden knowledge of our distant pasts. opportunities to reclaim our multidimensional wholeness."
This book was written to respond to the questions posed to Luminous over the last three decades of leading tours to Sacred Places: What do I do when I get there? How do I access the energy of a place; ancestors; wisdom; healing? Integrative Archaeology lifts the veil to higher consciousness through interaction with Sacred Places. Learning to sensitize and trust ourselves will reveal our deepest truths and support choices that reflect the true nature of our being.
"This book comes at a time when the stones of these mysterious monuments are once again speaking to us. Her book is highly recommended for all those who want to experience a greater understanding of the cosmic reality behind the original builders of sacred sites and power places."
Dr. J.J. Hurtak, archaeologist and author of The Keys of Enoch(c) and Dr. Desiree Hurtak, author and futurist.
..."Sensitivity to indigenous context blended with modern cultural views, as well as honoring the information that you pick up at the site are all covered as Luminous encourages you to interact with the wonderful resources that ancient sites are."
Pilisa rainbow Lady, author of Shamans of the World: Extraordinary First-Person Accounts of Healings, Mysteries, and Miracles.
..."I predict that her brilliant text will be a valuable cornerstone of many metaphysical libraries."
Dennis M. Harness, Ph.D. Transpersonal Psychologist, Vedic Astrologer and Author
..."Not only does she give seekers a specific travel wish list of highly energetic portals into sacred multidimensional worlds, she also gives step-by-step instructions for preparing for such a journey; how to get the most out of your experience; how to tap into the energies once you are there; and how to bring the wisdom you receive back home with you. A must have book for world travelers and metaphysical libraries!"
Tracey Latz, M.D., M.S. and Marion Ross, Ph.D. (a.k.a. "The Shift Doctors" of ShiftYourLife.com)