Inside the Lottery: How to Win the Lottery, Mega Millions, and Powerball from a Lottery Insider
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Do you want to know how the lottery works? Have you been playing for a long time without a win, and it just seems like a scam? Michael Easton (not his real name), a long-time lottery employee, will walk you through exactly how the lottery works from a perspective you never get to see, the inside of the lottery system!In this book you will learn: - The secret behind how lottery numbers are chosen- How scratch tickets are scammed- What you have to do to increase your chances of winning the lottery- The exact steps you should take when you win- The tricks and secrets behind the curtain of the biggest lottery games in the world.Michael K. Easton shares his years of experience in the hopes that you will get to know the inside story of the lottery, and maybe get a chance to win
Do you want to know how the lottery works? Have you been playing for a long time without a win, and it just seems like a scam? Michael Easton (not his real name), a long-time lottery employee, will walk you through exactly how the lottery works from a perspective you never get to see, the inside of the lottery system!In this book you will learn: - The secret behind how lottery numbers are chosen- How scratch tickets are scammed- What you have to do to increase your chances of winning the lottery- The exact steps you should take when you win- The tricks and secrets behind the curtain of the biggest lottery games in the world.Michael K. Easton shares his years of experience in the hopes that you will get to know the inside story of the lottery, and maybe get a chance to win