In the Dark

In the Dark

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As he rode in the boat traveling in False Bay, South Africa, he continued to look at the mountainous region that circled the coastline. Floating up and down, the mist of the ocean water sprayed around the sides of the boat as the hull pounded the waves against the vessel. Two men were up front driving the boat, they were both Wade's men that he had served with in the military. Wade was in the rear of the boat with a special guest sitting across from him. This distinct guest had his hands tied behind his back, his feet were bound, and under the black hood that shrouded his head was a ball gag placed into his mouth in order to keep things silent and peaceful. There was nothing that this special individual had to say that would change anything anyways, he was here for one reason, to die. Wade was good at his job, that is why the DIA used him as a contract killer. His work as an assassin evolved around being a savage, methodical, and heartless man. Wade let the cool air hit his face, a few thoughts ran through his mind as he looked around at his environment. The most prominent thought was the operation at hand. As the boat plowed through the rough waters Wade felt a calmness that he had not felt in a long time. This mission was not a tough one, but it was one that he had never done before, so Wade had to admit to himself that there was a level of excitement. The man wearing the black hood sitting across from Wade was a very important man, and not for his good deeds, but evil. The planned mission would overall involve enormous sea creatures, and the disposal of an animal of a man into the natural environment. The boat would travel to the hunting grounds of Great White's, located near a seal colony. Once the boat reached its destination it would drop anchor and the person with the black hood would step off the rear of the boat into the black water, and this is where the struggle for survival would begin for the former warlord. Normally, Wade would keep things simple and use a silenced pistol and put a bullet into the cranial plate of the person identified for execution. But, every once in a while, a special request for a little extra heavy-handed torture is requested on a target by the agency. This was one of those times.

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