I'm The Girl follows Vallon, a talented young Black singer who has spent his life feeling abandoned and overlooked. Raised by his grandparents after his mother left him to start a new family, Vallon struggles with feelings of rejection. In college, he enters a secret relationship with Tyrone, a rising NFL star, who publicly dates Vallon's friend Alexis as a cover. Vallon convinces himself their private love is enough, but when Tyrone and Alexis get engaged, Vallon is devastated. He reflects on the recurring theme in his life-being the one not chosen-by his mother and now Tyrone. As Vallon grapples with heartbreak, he confronts his past and seeks to reclaim his sense of self through his music.
I'm The Girl follows Vallon, a talented young Black singer who has spent his life feeling abandoned and overlooked. Raised by his grandparents after his mother left him to start a new family, Vallon struggles with feelings of rejection. In college, he enters a secret relationship with Tyrone, a rising NFL star, who publicly dates Vallon's friend Alexis as a cover. Vallon convinces himself their private love is enough, but when Tyrone and Alexis get engaged, Vallon is devastated. He reflects on the recurring theme in his life-being the one not chosen-by his mother and now Tyrone. As Vallon grapples with heartbreak, he confronts his past and seeks to reclaim his sense of self through his music.