For Eights. By an Eight. In Eight Language. What does it mean to be an Enneagram Eight? Why does it feel like everyone misunderstands and demonizes me? How do I grow into health and maturity? C.V. Meo asked these same questions of himself many years ago. Since then, he has gone on a journey of self-discovery. From reading all of the best Enneagram experts, to attending Enneagram workshops, to the hours spent in his therapist's office, C.V. has emerged with insights on what it means to be an Eight. If you want to learn more about all things Enneagram Eight, then this is the book for you. It's time to break the stereotypes and caricatures that others have placed Eights in. It's time to grow in self-awareness, maturity, and love. It's time to become more than just an 8-Hole.
For Eights. By an Eight. In Eight Language. What does it mean to be an Enneagram Eight? Why does it feel like everyone misunderstands and demonizes me? How do I grow into health and maturity? C.V. Meo asked these same questions of himself many years ago. Since then, he has gone on a journey of self-discovery. From reading all of the best Enneagram experts, to attending Enneagram workshops, to the hours spent in his therapist's office, C.V. has emerged with insights on what it means to be an Eight. If you want to learn more about all things Enneagram Eight, then this is the book for you. It's time to break the stereotypes and caricatures that others have placed Eights in. It's time to grow in self-awareness, maturity, and love. It's time to become more than just an 8-Hole.