I Want To Be Like Poppin' Joe: A True Story Promoting Inclusion and Self-Determination

I Want To Be Like Poppin' Joe: A True Story Promoting Inclusion and Self-Determination

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Dylan has an awesome friend. His friend, Poppin' Joe pops and sells popcorn. Poppin' Joe has a very fun job. It's noisy fun! Dylan learns from Poppin' Joe how to do a job you love.

By sharing their stories, we celebrate Dylan's and Joe's many strengths and abilities. Dylan has Down syndrome. Joe has Down syndrome and autism.

"As an inclusive preschool teacher, this is a great resource for parents and teachers. It's also nice to read it to students in your inclusive classroom. I also love that it has real pictures and is a real story. It also has a hidden lesson that everyone has a role model What a great book!"

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