I Want A Leopard Gecko

I Want A Leopard Gecko

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Now the Top-Selling leopard gecko care book for kids!

Is your child asking for an unusual pet?

Do the children in your class long for a tank pet that's interesting, fun and easy to care for?

Little leos are cute, gentle, fun and fascinating to get to know! They don't need a lot of attention or care. Kids as young as eight or nine can learn to give good care to their pet leopard gecko, with just a bit of supervision from parents or teachers.

Adults appreciate that leos are clean, quiet and hardy.

This chapter book tells young readers ages 8 to 12 (or grades 3 to 7) just what it's like to have a pet leo and keep them safe, healthy and happy in your home or classroom.

Readers learn:

  • Who will love having a little leo, and why.
  • Where and how to adopt a leopard gecko.
  • What to look for to be sure you get a healthy pet.
  • What geckos eat - and what you should never, ever feed them.
  • What your gecko wants and needs in his or her new home.
  • Surprising and fascinating things that only geckos can do.

Answers the questions parents, grandparents or teachers ask about having a pet gecko

If the child in your life really wants a pet lizard, here's the book about responsible pet care to give them first!

Chapter pet lizard book for kids age 8 and up.

Includes 28 Color Photos.

Best Pets for Kids pet books for grade four and up readers.

Scurry to grab your copy today!

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