The author once fell backwards, on skis, at night, into a latrine during a snowstorm in the Rocky Mountains. That's just one of the stories in this 20-year tale of wilderness education. I Probably Should've Brought a Tent aims to entertain and edify, captivate and compel. It's also laugh-out-loud funny, with echoes of Patrick F. McManus and Bill Heavey.
I Probably Should've Brought a Tent: Misadventures of a Wilderness Instructor
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The author once fell backwards, on skis, at night, into a latrine during a snowstorm in the Rocky Mountains. That's just one of the stories in this 20-year tale of wilderness education. I Probably Should've Brought a Tent aims to entertain and edify, captivate and compel. It's also laugh-out-loud funny, with echoes of Patrick F. McManus and Bill Heavey.