A solderless breadboard is the perfect platform for learning electronics, whether at home or in the classroom, because it can be used over and over again for different circuits. With the projects in this handbook, you will learn how to use a light sensor, a potentiometer, a diode, a 555 timer, capacitors, transistors, and more! You'll also be challenged to actively figure out what else you can do with the circuits you have built.
Learn how to build the following circuits:
- Dark Detector
- LED Flasher
- Electric Cricket
- Breathing LED
- Banshee Siren
- Light Theramin
- Blues Organ
- Bike Signal Light
- Touch Switch
- Led Color Organ
There's no better way to learn than by making things yourself. In this booklet you won't be handed all the answers. You'll be encouraged to experiment, and you'll be asked questions that you'll have to try to answer yourself. Get started with your breadboard experiments today.
Electronics is the perfect STEM subject because it touches on all the key components - science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Build your technical skills with this hands-on learning course!