How to Quit Meth Now: A Self-Help Guide to Kicking Your Meth or Cocaine Addiction
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https: //www.amazon.com/HOW-QUIT-METH-Second-GlobalAddictionSolutions-org/dp/B09X49TCT7/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1659112224&sr=8-1 The following are ACTUAL REVIEWS from Amazon.
Amber Stene
5.0 out of 5 stars THIS BOOK SAVED MY LIFE!
Reviewed in United States on May 25, 2022
This book did for me what four inpatient treatment centers could not. Once again, after 9 months of clean time, I found myself in the depth of my addiction but this time it was not only meth, but heroin as well. What was going to be "just one time" turned into a relapse that lasted 18 months.
I found myself searching self help books on addiction and came across this one. One review really stood out to me how this book is radical, completely extreme with some ideas that the reviewer did not agree with, but he swore it worked! When I read the concept was pretty much the author not believing in 12 step, treatment programs, nor God to get clean and he states "you are the one that got yourself into this mess, only you are going to be the one to get yourself out" it hit me like a ton of bricks. That idea was extremely radical and coming from four inpatient treatment centers, a handful of IOPs, 12 steps, sponsors, trauma and mental health counselors, medication, even shock therapy to create aversions, I knew this was the answer. I knew it with every cell in my body. I kept using every day as it suggests in the book until that one day of my choosing that I decided and promised myself to never use meth again. When that day came, I had everything on the list to detox at home and I followed and hung on to every word the book says...
Since then, I have secured stable housing, I've reunited with my sisters and my father, I've got to see my four sons twice and I'm actively petitioning for visitation and eventual custody, I was blessed with being able to get a Harley again (a better high than any drug ever gave me), A full-time job at the H-D dealership, self respect, dignity and this love and admiration for myself that I, let me repeat I, did it all on my own this time. No interventions, no treatment centers, just me. I do believe that in the depths of my despair, God did put this book right in front of me and I'm the one who chose to grab on and hang on as my life dependent on it.
To anyone that may be reading this who is still suffering in their addiction, There is hope. There is a beautiful life just waiting for you. All you have to do is believe in yourself enough to start reading this book. Until then we will all love you until you start loving yourself. Tiffiny
5.0 stars LIFE CHANGING!
When I found this book I was desperately looking for a way out of my addiction. I can honestly say that I'm not the same person I was when I first picked this book up. I am so grateful to have found this book and the program within it gave me hope and freedom from an addiction I've been struggling with for 8 years. This book does everything it promised and I would definitely recommend this to anyone struggling with an addiction. I haven't touched the stuff nor had any real desire to since completing the program. Honestly I could go on and on so I'll close with this-Jay Hotrum, you are such an inspirational man and to put it simply you saved my life. So with all my heart, thank you. There were times I really felt like you wrote this just for me.
This book literally saved my life .. which is kinda funny to write but it honestly really did . If you are serious about quitting then read this book and don't jump ahead! I was using every day for over 4 years and I am now 7 weeks clean! It was the Best purchase I could have ever done !
Daniel C.
5.0 out of 5 stars AMAZING BEST RECOVERY BOOK EVER. Period !
https: //www.amazon.com/HOW-QUIT-METH-Second-GlobalAddictionSolutions-org/dp/B09X49TCT7/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1659112224&sr=8-1 The following are ACTUAL REVIEWS from Amazon.
Amber Stene
5.0 out of 5 stars THIS BOOK SAVED MY LIFE!
Reviewed in United States on May 25, 2022
This book did for me what four inpatient treatment centers could not. Once again, after 9 months of clean time, I found myself in the depth of my addiction but this time it was not only meth, but heroin as well. What was going to be "just one time" turned into a relapse that lasted 18 months.
I found myself searching self help books on addiction and came across this one. One review really stood out to me how this book is radical, completely extreme with some ideas that the reviewer did not agree with, but he swore it worked! When I read the concept was pretty much the author not believing in 12 step, treatment programs, nor God to get clean and he states "you are the one that got yourself into this mess, only you are going to be the one to get yourself out" it hit me like a ton of bricks. That idea was extremely radical and coming from four inpatient treatment centers, a handful of IOPs, 12 steps, sponsors, trauma and mental health counselors, medication, even shock therapy to create aversions, I knew this was the answer. I knew it with every cell in my body. I kept using every day as it suggests in the book until that one day of my choosing that I decided and promised myself to never use meth again. When that day came, I had everything on the list to detox at home and I followed and hung on to every word the book says...
Since then, I have secured stable housing, I've reunited with my sisters and my father, I've got to see my four sons twice and I'm actively petitioning for visitation and eventual custody, I was blessed with being able to get a Harley again (a better high than any drug ever gave me), A full-time job at the H-D dealership, self respect, dignity and this love and admiration for myself that I, let me repeat I, did it all on my own this time. No interventions, no treatment centers, just me. I do believe that in the depths of my despair, God did put this book right in front of me and I'm the one who chose to grab on and hang on as my life dependent on it.
To anyone that may be reading this who is still suffering in their addiction, There is hope. There is a beautiful life just waiting for you. All you have to do is believe in yourself enough to start reading this book. Until then we will all love you until you start loving yourself. Tiffiny
5.0 stars LIFE CHANGING!
When I found this book I was desperately looking for a way out of my addiction. I can honestly say that I'm not the same person I was when I first picked this book up. I am so grateful to have found this book and the program within it gave me hope and freedom from an addiction I've been struggling with for 8 years. This book does everything it promised and I would definitely recommend this to anyone struggling with an addiction. I haven't touched the stuff nor had any real desire to since completing the program. Honestly I could go on and on so I'll close with this-Jay Hotrum, you are such an inspirational man and to put it simply you saved my life. So with all my heart, thank you. There were times I really felt like you wrote this just for me.
This book literally saved my life .. which is kinda funny to write but it honestly really did . If you are serious about quitting then read this book and don't jump ahead! I was using every day for over 4 years and I am now 7 weeks clean! It was the Best purchase I could have ever done !
Daniel C.
5.0 out of 5 stars AMAZING BEST RECOVERY BOOK EVER. Period !