How to Paint Birds Using Oil Paints

How to Paint Birds Using Oil Paints

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Table of Contents Introduction Oil Paints A Short Introduction Materials Needed for Oil Painting How to paint birds in oil Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4 Lesson 5 Conclusion Artist Bio Publisher Introduction "The starting point of all achievement is desire!" Yes, that is one thing that we need to keep in our minds. Until and unless we start anything we won't be able to complete it or master it, so for starters we need desire. I would ask that you have the desire to learn oil painting, before you take on reading and using this book. If you have the desire and want to learn then just turn the page and here I am to teach you how to paint birds in oil paints with all my will and spirit. I won't say that it is difficult to paint in oil paints; rather I would say that you have desire to learn and to paint. So, let's get ready, fasten your seat belt as we head off on the journey of learning.
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