How to Declutter with Archangel Jophiel: How to Relieve Stress, Anxiety, and Clutter From Your Life

How to Declutter with Archangel Jophiel: How to Relieve Stress, Anxiety, and Clutter From Your Life

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Do you feel overwhelmed by clutter? Do you struggle with anxiety about your daily tasks? We all experience the occasional feelings of overwhelm. Archangel Jophiel is lovingly called the 'feng shui angel', which is the Chinese philosophical system of harmonizing everyone with the surrounding environment. Clutter first begins in the thoughts, and ends up spreading into the physical world. With Archangel Jophiel's loving guidance, clean out "space" in your mind and home.The goal of this book is simple: Archangel Jophiel will teach you easy steps to clean up the mental clutter, actions, and old habits to obtain a clutter-free home.You will learn: -To have a cleaner and cozier home -To let go of old emotional attachments-To learn lessons in what you purchased-To get advice from the archangel of organization-To understand why you keep stuff, and how to let it go-To spruce up a roomIt's time to simplify your life!Improve your attention, focus, and creativity in an organized environment.Get ready to release the clutter, organize your belongings, and bring peace in your relationships. Decluttering helps you feel less overwhelmed, less stressed, and cozier in your home. Once you become clutter-free, it improves your daily mood, can help you sleep, or break old bonds with unhealthy past attachments.Why not let Archangel Jophiel help you today?
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