Dive into "House of Lavender," where suspense meets transformation behind the dazzling facade of a drag queen sanctuary. When Alex Masters witnesses a murder and becomes a target, his unlikely refuge among the striking and fierce drag queens of the House of Lavender not only offers him protection but an unexpected family. Alex and his colorful companions confront their shadows through laughter, pain, and performance while fighting for visibility and acceptance. This riveting narrative weaves a tale of identity, courage, and the true meaning of family in the most fabulous way possible.
Dive into "House of Lavender," where suspense meets transformation behind the dazzling facade of a drag queen sanctuary. When Alex Masters witnesses a murder and becomes a target, his unlikely refuge among the striking and fierce drag queens of the House of Lavender not only offers him protection but an unexpected family. Alex and his colorful companions confront their shadows through laughter, pain, and performance while fighting for visibility and acceptance. This riveting narrative weaves a tale of identity, courage, and the true meaning of family in the most fabulous way possible.
Paperback (Large Print)