The Perfect Soap.
How many times have you walked the aisles of a store wishing to find the soap or body wash made especially for you? Or how many times have you seen the small craft markets where soap manufacturers were showing off their wonderful looking soap, and wondered if it was possible for you to make your own soap?
Now You Can.
People have the misperception that they can't make their own soap at home, but in reality, it can be done for a minimal expense, and it is a much more satisfying experience than you think!
In this book, you will discover the secrets of "Do It Yourself" soap and the many recipes it contains will guide you step-by-step in the creation and testing of your homemade soaps using only natural ingredients.
No Chemical Components.
Yeah, you got that right. If you are worried that the chemicals contained in your shop-bought soaps may harm you or your loved ones, inside this book you will find the most natural and healthy alternative to create your own soaps with simple and 100% natural ingredients.
Book Contents:
- the fundamentals of soap making
- types of soap making
- benefits of making soap at home
- soap making safety
- what to consider when choosing a DIY soap recipe
- ways to make homemade soaps more creative
- ... and much more!
People say Making Soaps at Home is Complicated...
This book is designed so that even beginners can easily follow the recipes and launch themselves into the production of their first homemade soaps, but it is also great for those who already have some knowledge in the world of homemade soaps.
How Many Instruments Do I Need?
All the tools you will need are commonplace items that you can find at home, or at most in your local grocery store!
Soap making is a long-standing craft and art that can end up becoming a hobby that will make you have fun and save a lot of money in commercial advertised soaps.
because making your own soaps at home is one of the funniest and rewarding hobbies out there!