Home in Seven Days follows the main character, a lost puppy "Molly", on daily adventures as she seeks a new home and sense of belonging. Her adventures ultimately meet up with "Bernie", a young boy yearning for a pet dog to soothe his loneliness. The book introduces the learning of the days of the week. Weather vocabulary is also intertwined - another important concept for early childhood learners. A simple tune set to the song "Oh My Darling Clementine" is an added reinforcement to learn the correct order of days of the week.
Home in Seven Days follows the main character, a lost puppy "Molly", on daily adventures as she seeks a new home and sense of belonging. Her adventures ultimately meet up with "Bernie", a young boy yearning for a pet dog to soothe his loneliness. The book introduces the learning of the days of the week. Weather vocabulary is also intertwined - another important concept for early childhood learners. A simple tune set to the song "Oh My Darling Clementine" is an added reinforcement to learn the correct order of days of the week.