The history of psychology is a portrait of thought and systematic study of the universe, relationships, and behavior. Each field of science approaches the same subject matter from their own perspective, skill set, and intellectual curiosity. Psychology is a subject matter that has evolved over centuries of study through the efforts of many scientists. The cumulative efforts of all these pursuits have brought us where we are today our in understanding of human behavior, and the relationships and forces which shape the behavioral patterns of individuals, groups, and organizations.
Science inspires us to think outside the box and to explore new avenues of the world in which we live. Science connects. It connects the present with the past. It connects the known with the unknown. It connects the new with the old. And it connects scientists one with another. Lastly, it connects the readers of this book with those who have participated in the historical unfolding of psychology as a science and to our general understanding of behavior.
There is much to learn. Be part of the learning process and, be where the action is.