Hi from the Sky: On the Road to Happily Ever After!

Hi from the Sky: On the Road to Happily Ever After!

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The Kingdom of God is the Kingdom of BELIEVE ... not make-believe! True Love's kiss awakens our child heart to the Fairy Tale that is REAL! Despite the innocuous title, ("Hi from the Sky: On the Road to Happily Ever After,") this book is not tame ... like Aslan the Lion in "Chronicles of Narnia!" Every fairy tale is fraught with heroes, heroines, dragons, potholes and pitfalls! It is the Road TO Happily Ever After ... we're not there yet! Ann Ault is thrilled to share "Hi from the SKY" heavenly downloads from the Creator of all things. She has had enchanting interactions, both great and small, with the King of Happily Ever After. God delights to communicate in the most inventive ways with those He loves ... from street signs to signs and wonders ... from climbing Mount Fuji to watching the metamorphosis of a dragonfly! Ann shares her stories, painfully acquired insights, pithy sayings, poems and scriptures in an effort to make the invisible God more visible. The Most High in the Sky is no respecter of persons. He relates to whosoever calls on Him in spirit and truth ... an equal opportunity Creator. May your child-heart be refreshed as the invisible Divine Guide becomes more visible on your journey to the Land of Happily Ever After ... Home sweet Home! Ann Ault, (Air Force brat and shy little girl called "fatty-four-eyes,") had a miraculous metamorphosis, and a remarkable show business career doing theater, 300 commercials, TV, movies and radio (including "Adventures in Odyssey.") In 1974, Ann gave her life to Jesus Christ. She shares the odyssey about her rescue from the kingdom of darkness to God's Kingdom of LIGHT and BELIEVE!
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