This book is a self help guide to developing emotional intelligence and belief intelligence through the implementation of the 4 phases of the disaster management systems applied to managing emotions internally. Hate is the emotion that we never truthfully associate with ourselves. If you truly want to heal the world of the disastrous effects of hate, take this book as a serious opportunity to reflect on your own potential to become filled with hate. Apply the tools that are covered in this book and change inwardly.
I warn you now that this book is not for the weak minded, nor is it for those who find comfort in ignorance. This book is an opportunity for all peoples of all races, genders, religions, tribes, and nations to look in the mirror and make a positive change inwardly.
We all know that one person who never has anything positive to say. We all know that one guy in the office who seems to hate everything and everyone. Maybe you have that one female associate who is just miserable on the inside and she makes everyone around her miserable. Don't add to the Hate hurricane spinning inside that person by talking about them behind their backs like everyone else. Get them a copy of this book and start their healing process.