Based on the screenplay by Alan B. McElroy, from an original story by Danny Lipsius (as Dhani Lipsius), Larry Rattner, Benjamin Ruffner and Alan B. McElroy for the 1988 motion picture from producers Moustapha Akkad and Paul Freeman. Published by arrangement and authority of the copyright holder, Note: the novelization included in this publication is copyright 1988, 1989, and 2003 by Nicholas Grabowsky, all rights reserved by the author from original 1988 copyright and subsequent registrations and original publication agreements.
Based on the screenplay by Alan B. McElroy, from an original story by Danny Lipsius (as Dhani Lipsius), Larry Rattner, Benjamin Ruffner and Alan B. McElroy for the 1988 motion picture from producers Moustapha Akkad and Paul Freeman. Published by arrangement and authority of the copyright holder, Note: the novelization included in this publication is copyright 1988, 1989, and 2003 by Nicholas Grabowsky, all rights reserved by the author from original 1988 copyright and subsequent registrations and original publication agreements.