The Great Tribulation Survival Guide for Those Left Behind

The Great Tribulation Survival Guide for Those Left Behind

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The Great Tribulation Survival Guide is written for those left behind. If the Church has left earth for heaven and you are still here, you are among the left-behind crowd; this book is your survival guide.

It's like you arrived at the station a little late, and you need a ticket to heaven but the last train with all the People of God has already left. They were raptured (taken up). You are a left-behinder, and your hell has just begun. For the next seven years, life on earth will be hell, but that's hell with small letters. The real HELL with big letters follows behind.

You can survive the little hell and escape the big one too, but you must refuse the Mark of the Beast at all cost.. You must have food and water and a secure hiding place for seven years. All of government will be looking for you, You can trust no one. If found, you will be branded with the Mark of the Beast or tortured and executed. With this guide in hand, you can beat the odds.

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