'If I vanished he wouldn't notice, if I died he wouldn't care. I think of him all the time, and he thinks of me not at all. I love him, and my love torments me. There are times when I feel like a ghost beside him; as if he alone is real, and I'm just a daydream.'
This is the story of two brothers. One is impassioned and one reserved. One is destined to go down in history and the other to be forgotten.

'If I vanished he wouldn't notice, if I died he wouldn't care. I think of him all the time, and he thinks of me not at all. I love him, and my love torments me. There are times when I feel like a ghost beside him; as if he alone is real, and I'm just a daydream.'
This is the story of two brothers. One is impassioned and one reserved. One is destined to go down in history and the other to be forgotten.