God is Here

God is Here

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God is Here is for the wanders, the observers, the doodlers, and the questioners. It was born out of the global pandemic when, separated from our communities, we stopped and looked more closely at the world in our own backyards. It is designed to help children and adults think about how we can know God better through observation and appreciation of God's creation. The book is written on two levels: first, it is a lyrical poem full of alliteration and rhymes about a child that uses the five senses to encounter God while sitting on a picnic blanket at the edge of a small stream. Whimsical drawings help to highlight what the child hears, smells, feels, tastes, and sees. In addition, on each page is a sidebar with a point for theological reflection on that element of creation that is designed for adults or older children. With the theological touchpoint is also a series of discussion questions that adults can use to engage children in deeper thought about each element. The questions will encourage adults and children to connect on topics of spirituality, creation care, faith, and God. The style of questioning will also set a template for future conversations as children encounter other elements of creation in their lives. While designed for a Christian audience, the book will also resonate with all families that acknowledge a creator God. With more and more Millennial and Gen "Z" adults with small children classifying themselves as "spiritual but not religious" or disconnecting from faith communities, this book fills a void in teaching how to think theologically that may not be learned as easily outside of faith communities. Thus, the audience would be traditional outlets like church libraries and religious schools, but also a wider general audience that believes in a creator God, while maybe not directly associated with faith communities.

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