"There is no denying Ghosh's command of culture and history. . . . [He] proves a writer of supreme skill and intelligence."--The Atlantic Monthly
"I will never forget the young and old Rajkumar, Dolly, the Princesses, the forests of teak, the wealth that made families and wars. A wonderful novel. An incredible story."--Grace Paley
"A novelist of dazzling ingenuity."--San Francisco Chronicle
"There is no denying Ghosh's command of culture and history. . . . [He] proves a writer of supreme skill and intelligence."--The Atlantic Monthly
"I will never forget the young and old Rajkumar, Dolly, the Princesses, the forests of teak, the wealth that made families and wars. A wonderful novel. An incredible story."--Grace Paley
"A novelist of dazzling ingenuity."--San Francisco Chronicle