It is a simple method for prediction through which, even a person with a basic knowledge of astrology can give predictions based on the birth chart.The method utilizes the degrees of the planets in the birth chart .The planets in the highest degree and lowest degree are taken into account. Even planets which are 6/8 positions away from each other, will be combined when their degrees are close. Through this method we can predict whose relationship will be beneficial for him/her. We can also predict the planets which will support him though out his/her life, the gods whom should be worship and so on. Predictions together with the planets in the transit and the birth chart are also easily given.
It is a simple method for prediction through which, even a person with a basic knowledge of astrology can give predictions based on the birth chart.The method utilizes the degrees of the planets in the birth chart .The planets in the highest degree and lowest degree are taken into account. Even planets which are 6/8 positions away from each other, will be combined when their degrees are close. Through this method we can predict whose relationship will be beneficial for him/her. We can also predict the planets which will support him though out his/her life, the gods whom should be worship and so on. Predictions together with the planets in the transit and the birth chart are also easily given.