Genesis and Geology For People of Faith and People of Fact

Genesis and Geology For People of Faith and People of Fact

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Steve Morreale always believed in God. As a small boy, he would look up at the clouds in the sky and try to catch a glimpse of God looking down on him. After all, wasn't God watching over us? Lacking any in-depth understanding of the Bible, his faith remained simple and vulnerable to the nonbelieving, scientifically educated individuals he encountered. Steve's vulnerability reached a peak when he began studying geology in college.

The real facts of science--not the unproven theories--conspired to eliminate God from Steve's life equation. Well-meaning Christians required a Young Earth Creationist view that flew in the face of facts. Those small elements of truth could not be ignored; they could be seen, touched, and calculated. Faith could not erase them.

Eventually, Steve turned to the God of his childhood, and began to read the Bible. It's message of hope touched him. Could that hope and the facts of geology be reconciled? Genesis and Geology: For People of Faith and People of Fact walks through the six days of Creation. That walk describes what God created, and geology explains how He created it.

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