Fun Stories: Creative Magical Story Writing Guide for Kids

Fun Stories: Creative Magical Story Writing Guide for Kids

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Does your child or student have tons of ideas, but still seem to draw a blank when it comes to writing? Does your child love to tell stories, but struggle with writing longer sentences or ideas that require multiple sentences? This workbook, which also comes with access to an animated interactive course, offers both fun and learning as one exciting experience.

Fun Stories is organized into 12 separate sections, each offering a story prompt which the learner is encouraged to further develop. Throughout the story, there are also three transitional phrases, or words, that are sprinkled in to compel the writer to add more details and create or solve a problem for the character. Each section also includes opportunities to draw images for their stories. Activities are provided to cover concepts such as, writing dialogue, creating a story map, character development, and more! What is extra special about this workbook is that inside is a link to a website where the learner can find a code for an interactive animated course that walks the student through the entire writing experience. This book does not compel our young digital citizens to separate their concepts of learning and fun, but gives them both space and support to join the two for a feel-good, results producing, learning experience.

Who is this workbook for? This experience is amazing for the child who is full of ideas, but hasn't quite had an enjoyable writing experience. It's excellent for children who are being homeschooled. It's amazing for students who attend public or private school, but whose parents would love to support their learning during times when they are at home, such as after school, on weekends, and during holidays. This workbook is also a stellar experience for students who are learning English as their second language. In fact, before being published in the United States, this workbook and course was tested in South Korea for more than five years and is a favorite amongst students, parents, and private academies. The ideal ages for this experience are 5 - 13. Students who are a bit younger can benefit from building a solid writing foundation and love for writing early on. Students who are a bit older have shown great improvement after experiencing the basics of organizing a story in a way that fosters positive emotions.

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