FRIENDGEVITY covers the social science research, including the author's original interviews and surveys, about how positive friendship can extend your life. It also covers what Dr. Yager calls frenemies and fatal friends, those friends who can make you miserable, or even shorten someone's life. This comprehensive book, the third in the series of books on friendship that Dr. Yager has researched and written since her sociology dissertation on friendship, namely WHEN FRIENDSHIP HURTS, an international hit with 29 translations published by Simon & Schuster, and FRIENDSHIFTS, published by Hannacroix Creek Books, with 9 international editions and appearances on TODAY, CBS SUNDAY MORNING, THE VIEW, and other major shows. FRIENDGEVITY covers how to find, and cultivate, healing friends, dealing with conflict, typical situations that can sabotage a friendship and how to deal with each one, social media and friendship, how the pandemic influenced friendship, in a positive and negative way, friendship over the life cycle, friendship at work, and lots more. There are ten self-quizzes to help readers to really get to know themselves, and their friends, enhancing the self-help prescriptive nature of this unique and useful contribution to the growing body of knowledge about this relationsihp we call friendship.

Friendgevity: Making and Keeping the friends Who Enhance and Even Extend Your Life
FRIENDGEVITY covers the social science research, including the author's original interviews and surveys, about how positive friendship can extend your life. It also covers what Dr. Yager calls frenemies and fatal friends, those friends who can make you miserable, or even shorten someone's life. This comprehensive book, the third in the series of books on friendship that Dr. Yager has researched and written since her sociology dissertation on friendship, namely WHEN FRIENDSHIP HURTS, an international hit with 29 translations published by Simon & Schuster, and FRIENDSHIFTS, published by Hannacroix Creek Books, with 9 international editions and appearances on TODAY, CBS SUNDAY MORNING, THE VIEW, and other major shows. FRIENDGEVITY covers how to find, and cultivate, healing friends, dealing with conflict, typical situations that can sabotage a friendship and how to deal with each one, social media and friendship, how the pandemic influenced friendship, in a positive and negative way, friendship over the life cycle, friendship at work, and lots more. There are ten self-quizzes to help readers to really get to know themselves, and their friends, enhancing the self-help prescriptive nature of this unique and useful contribution to the growing body of knowledge about this relationsihp we call friendship.