Discover the Hidden Mystical Messages of the Bible...The Bible was written using solar and phallic myths to reveal psychological truths. But we have mistaken the allegory for history - and therefore have often failed to see the true message. The stories of the Bible are all mystical revelations which reveal to the intuitive reader the secret of creation and the formula for manifesting our deepest desires. The purpose of this guide is to clearly reveal to you the mystical truth buried within the stories of the Old and New Testament, and show you the steps necessary to manifest what you desire in your life.
Discover the Hidden Mystical Messages of the Bible...The Bible was written using solar and phallic myths to reveal psychological truths. But we have mistaken the allegory for history - and therefore have often failed to see the true message. The stories of the Bible are all mystical revelations which reveal to the intuitive reader the secret of creation and the formula for manifesting our deepest desires. The purpose of this guide is to clearly reveal to you the mystical truth buried within the stories of the Old and New Testament, and show you the steps necessary to manifest what you desire in your life.