"Forever Home" is an inspirational story based on animal rescue efforts by organizations such as Panhandle Equine Rescue Center. This book is from an equine's perspective (as believed it would be), one horse's rise above challenges and its emotional journey through being neglected, rescued, and adopted into its forever home. Hope, care and love can make all the difference in one's life. P.E.R. will receive 10% of profit as a donation with each book sold.
"Forever Home" is an inspirational story based on animal rescue efforts by organizations such as Panhandle Equine Rescue Center. This book is from an equine's perspective (as believed it would be), one horse's rise above challenges and its emotional journey through being neglected, rescued, and adopted into its forever home. Hope, care and love can make all the difference in one's life. P.E.R. will receive 10% of profit as a donation with each book sold.