Field Journal: The Explore the River Project
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The Field Journal is divided into four sections: Riparian Animals and Plants, Native Fish, Observation Pages, and Salish Language Pronunciation Guide. The lists of riparian animals and plants will assist students and nature enthusiasts in identifying the plant and animal specimens of watersheds throughout the Northern Rockies. The journal also includes a detailed map showing the Jocko River's path through the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes' lands.
The Field Journal is divided into four sections: Riparian Animals and Plants, Native Fish, Observation Pages, and Salish Language Pronunciation Guide. The lists of riparian animals and plants will assist students and nature enthusiasts in identifying the plant and animal specimens of watersheds throughout the Northern Rockies. The journal also includes a detailed map showing the Jocko River's path through the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes' lands.