In this touching tale, a young girl learns an important lesson: families can look different but are bound by a universal language - love. Regardless of how many parents or what they look like, it's love that makes a family real.
A Family Is... dives deep into the heart of Meghan, a young girl grappling with the concept of family. After a day at school, Meghan comes home feeling confused and sad. Her friend's family portrait doesn't mirror her own. She doesn't have a father figure, and because of this, she begins to question the legitimacy of her own family unit. Is her family less "real" than others?
As the story unfolds, Meghan's mother steps in to enlighten her little girl with wisdom and compassion. She explains to Meghan that each family is like a unique constellation in the sky. Some are small, with just one parent. Others are large, brimming with extended family members. Some families might not look exactly alike. Yet, they all share a common thread - the uncompromising, unwavering bond of love.
This heartwarming narrative allows readers to explore and understand the true essence of a family, which is not defined by its structure but by the love that holds it together. The story fosters inclusivity and diversity, gently teaching children that every family is "real" and special in their own way. It's a poignant, comforting tale that reassures children that they're not alone in their worries and questions about family.
A Family Is... is a tender, insightful, and beautifully illustrated story that will resonate with young readers and their parents alike. It's an essential read for any child navigating the complexities of family structures and the sometimes challenging emotions that can accompany these understandings. Meghan's journey to acceptance and understanding is a testament to the power of love, and a celebration of the many forms that family can take.