Everything You Should've Learned in Psychiatry School, But Didn't
By: Dr. Kelly Gardiner Ph.D., PMHNP, CNS, BC
Why should you buy this book?
-Are you so skilled that you think this book has nothing to offer you?
-Are you proficient in identifying MIMICKERS of mental illness?
-Do you get nervous treating a pregnant patient?
-Was your preceptor an idiot that taught you bad habits and you don't even realize it?
-Did you know that there are techniques to provide stellar mental health services in fifteen minutes?
-Was your clinical rotation so short or impersonal that you think you may have missed valuable information?
-Are you a skilled diagnostician?
-Do you lack actual 'real world' skills in psychiatry?
-Is your patient a sexual predator or does he have Frontal Lobe Syndrome?
-What should you do about bullies in the workplace?
-Do you think the 'Beer's List' is a list of alcoholic beverages?
-Do you need some caregiver/patient handouts?
Do you wonder:
What You Should Have Learned in Psychiatry School, BUT DIDN'T?