This book provides the most enlighten and vital educational foundations for ethical values, civilized and humanitarian leadership knowledge for all people. It utilizes the precision of science, the balance of art, the mandates of law, and the historical revelatory authority of biblical theology. These authentic branches of knowledge have been validated by authoritative abiding historical truth. These Ethical leadership values are vital to guide humanity through its growing ideological persuasion, cultural diversity, religious pluralism, and heterogeneous ethnicity in the midst of growing globalized technological capabilities. This book is written to provide the vitally needed critical ethical guidance for the people of God in a complex world of increasing turmoil hatred, rebellion, ignorance, and confusion

Ethical Values For Human Civility: Imperatives For Peace
This book provides the most enlighten and vital educational foundations for ethical values, civilized and humanitarian leadership knowledge for all people. It utilizes the precision of science, the balance of art, the mandates of law, and the historical revelatory authority of biblical theology. These authentic branches of knowledge have been validated by authoritative abiding historical truth. These Ethical leadership values are vital to guide humanity through its growing ideological persuasion, cultural diversity, religious pluralism, and heterogeneous ethnicity in the midst of growing globalized technological capabilities. This book is written to provide the vitally needed critical ethical guidance for the people of God in a complex world of increasing turmoil hatred, rebellion, ignorance, and confusion