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"Erased - Volume 2" continues to dive into the heart-pounding, suspense-filled story following Satoru Fujinuma, a young manga artist who possesses an involuntary ability known as "Revival," which sends him back in time moments before a life-threatening incident. In this gripping sequel, the narrative intensifies as Satoru is transported further back in time to his childhood, a period connected to a traumatic series of events that shaped his life.

As Satoru revisits memories he thought were long forgotten, he becomes embroiled in a desperate mission to prevent multiple tragedies from unfolding. The plot thickens with each page as he fights against time to unravel the mystery of a serial killer whose actions impact his life and the lives of those around him. The second volume of "Erased" encapsulates themes of friendship, justice, and courage as Satoru navigates his past to safeguard the future.

This book is a compelling pick for readers who love mysteries entwined with elements of the supernatural. Its captivating storytelling and beautifully crafted illustrations promise to engross fans of suspenseful, thought-provoking narratives.

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