Eddie Cheeseburger merges fun animated food characters in a vibrant story line that takes place in the heart of Burgertopia. An food filled city with relatable characters, with relatable life challenges and inspiring messages of preserverance. The story is written by young author Edward D Sarver III, in hopes to inspire other children to plunge into their own creative minds while continuing their journey towards educational success. Eddie Cheeseburger's first day in 4th grade is just one of the many creative works written by the young author with many more to follow.
Eddie Cheeseburger merges fun animated food characters in a vibrant story line that takes place in the heart of Burgertopia. An food filled city with relatable characters, with relatable life challenges and inspiring messages of preserverance. The story is written by young author Edward D Sarver III, in hopes to inspire other children to plunge into their own creative minds while continuing their journey towards educational success. Eddie Cheeseburger's first day in 4th grade is just one of the many creative works written by the young author with many more to follow.