- That within you are infinite power and possibilities.
- That the inward Power can be aroused and brought into expression by holding high ideals in the mind and by affirmations and meditation.
- That it is necessary to spend a short time in the Unseen both night and morning.
- That by so doing you can enter a super-conscious realm where your word is creative.
- That what you speak comes to pass, that what you mentally picture must come true.
- That it is only by following high ideals that true success can be achieved.
- That within you are infinite power and possibilities.
- That the inward Power can be aroused and brought into expression by holding high ideals in the mind and by affirmations and meditation.
- That it is necessary to spend a short time in the Unseen both night and morning.
- That by so doing you can enter a super-conscious realm where your word is creative.
- That what you speak comes to pass, that what you mentally picture must come true.
- That it is only by following high ideals that true success can be achieved.