Divided is the first in a four-book young adult dystopian series. Taking place in a post-apocalyptic America, the nation is divided by zodiac sign in twelve color-coded sectors. Each citizen is given six traits based on their sign that defines their entire lives, and one day, a young Taurus named Diana decides to embark on a dangerous journey to find her childhood best friend, Peter. However, Peter is a Cancer, and that means Diana is forbidden to see him. Sixteen-year-old Diana embarks on a wild adventure with the allies she makes along the way, taking part in high-stakes battles, discovering magical powers, and discovering terrifying secrets that the government of New America has spent years trying to keep hidden.
Divided is the first in a four-book young adult dystopian series. Taking place in a post-apocalyptic America, the nation is divided by zodiac sign in twelve color-coded sectors. Each citizen is given six traits based on their sign that defines their entire lives, and one day, a young Taurus named Diana decides to embark on a dangerous journey to find her childhood best friend, Peter. However, Peter is a Cancer, and that means Diana is forbidden to see him. Sixteen-year-old Diana embarks on a wild adventure with the allies she makes along the way, taking part in high-stakes battles, discovering magical powers, and discovering terrifying secrets that the government of New America has spent years trying to keep hidden.