- Understand--and go beyond--dissociation and trauma 101
- Show how trauma acts on the body and brain
- Demystify terms like "parts," "system," and "alter"
- Build their "safe-enough" harbor
- Relate to real-life examples from people with dissociative experiences
- Understand treatment options and different approaches to dissociative symptoms
- Practice techniques for grounding, anchoring, settling, and mindfulness
- Do interactive activities like mapping their parts
- Challenge myths, biases, and stigma
- Learn about their dissociative tendencies--and discover what helps them return to the present moment
For use with clients with trauma-related dissociation, dissociative identity disorder, DDNOS, and more, the Flipchart is a compassionate and invaluable clinical resource that helps you explore complex concepts with ease--demystifying dissociation and providing a roadmap to understanding, agency, and empowerment.