For thirty days, I was supposed to give myself to a man so brutal, they called him "Demon." I had to follow his rules, honor his demands, be available to him only. When I met him, he had nightmares in his cold green eyes and an enemy's blood splattered on his hard, inked body. How could I survive a month with a monster without losing myself?
Except... those eyes seemed to thaw a little each time he looked at me. And his chiseled body fit perfectly against mine. There was so much more to the enigma called "Demon," so many things that made him my "Damien." Suddenly, the only thing I was worried about losing in thirty days was my heart.
For thirty days, I was supposed to give myself to a man so brutal, they called him "Demon." I had to follow his rules, honor his demands, be available to him only. When I met him, he had nightmares in his cold green eyes and an enemy's blood splattered on his hard, inked body. How could I survive a month with a monster without losing myself?
Except... those eyes seemed to thaw a little each time he looked at me. And his chiseled body fit perfectly against mine. There was so much more to the enigma called "Demon," so many things that made him my "Damien." Suddenly, the only thing I was worried about losing in thirty days was my heart.