When a Navy vessel comes across a yacht in distress in the middle of the vast Indian Ocean, Captain Danial Tengku orders his ship to rush to its aid. On board the yacht is a British couple: a horribly injured man, Jake, and his traumatized wife, Virginie, who breathlessly confesses, \"It's all my fault. I killed them.\"
Trembling with fear, she reveals their shocking story to Danial. Months earlier, the couple had spent all their savings on a yacht, full of excitement for exploring the high seas and exotic lands together. They start at the busy harbors of Malaysia and, through word of mouth, Jake and Virginie learn about a tiny, isolated island full of unspoiled beaches. When they arrive, they discover they are not the only visitors and quickly become entangled with a motley crew of expat sailors. Soon, Jake and Virginie's adventurous dream turns into a terrifying nightmare. Now, it's up to Danial to determine just how much truth there is in Virginie's alarming tale. But when his crew make a shocking discovery, he realizes that if he doesn't act soon, they could all fall under the dark spell of the island.","price":17.99,"gtin":"9781982170370","brand":"Gallery/Scout Press","product_link":"https://www.discountmags.com/products/deep-water-paperback-1","images":["https://img.discountmags.com/products/extras/books/9781982170370_47a08a3.jpg"],"item_group":"1218600"}