What does it look like to walk in the fullness of your identity as the Daughter of a King? To have true peace, joy, and fulfillment in every aspect of your life? For Lindsey Renee, these questions were answered by walking through some of the hardest times of her life. During those times, she experienced God's true freedom by learning her identity in Him. Lindsey was a promising young nurse, climbing the corporate ladder but finding it hard to navigate a world full of sorrow, darkness, depression, and anxiety. Her first experience with motherhood was marked by a major health scare with her son, but in the midst of all the chaos Lindsey was able to see the Father's hand reaching out to hold her through it all. "I'm gonna trust you this time," she thought.
"Daughter of a King" is a deeply honest and powerful reflection of what it looks like to trust God, and let Him tell you who you are. Lindsey vividly
details how she came into relationship, intimacy, truth, and wholeness when she found Christ - the true giver and source of identity, and how this new love
transformed the way she took authority over her life and circumstances.