Dive into the thrilling world of Ketterdam with "Crooked Kingdom" by Leigh Bardugo, a captivating sequel to the highly acclaimed "Six of Crows." This acclaimed fantasy novel continues the journey of Kaz Brekker and his band of misfit thieves as they are forced to survive in the harsh world of betrayal and cunning plans. With elements of high-stakes heist and intricate character developments, this novel will hook readers from start to finish.
The book features an engaging plot with plenty of action, emotional depth, and a compelling narrative that explores themes of loyalty, friendship, and survival. Suitable for young adult readers and anyone who loves a good fantasy, "Crooked Kingdom" stands out as a masterpiece of storytelling, skillfully crafted by Leigh Bardugo, a bestselling author known for her rich and imaginative worlds.
This particular edition is a library binding large print, making it accessible for readers of all ages and visual requirements. Perfect for both personal collections and library shelves, this edition ensures that the adventure comes alive with ease and readability.