A Cowboy Goes to War is a fascinating accounting of history spanning into three centuries as told from an often humorous perspective by 89-year-old Ralph McDougal. Raised on a rural ranch in Southwestern New Mexico during the 1930s, Ralph shares tales of family outlaws, Pancho Villa, growing up as a cowboy, riding trails and building dams as a teenager, and later of going off to war. Upon entering into World War II by enlisting in the U.S. Army Air Corps, McDougal was trained as a bombardier/navigator for the B-26 bomber, flying missions over Germany. Among the World War II planes Ralph flew are the B-26 Martin Marauder-the first B-26 Trainer which he flew in until they were removed from combat. After the war, Ralph served in the United States Air Force as a senior ranking Non Commissioned Officer working in aerial photography. Duties included mapping the entire Empire of Japan.
A Cowboy Goes to War is a fascinating accounting of history spanning into three centuries as told from an often humorous perspective by 89-year-old Ralph McDougal. Raised on a rural ranch in Southwestern New Mexico during the 1930s, Ralph shares tales of family outlaws, Pancho Villa, growing up as a cowboy, riding trails and building dams as a teenager, and later of going off to war. Upon entering into World War II by enlisting in the U.S. Army Air Corps, McDougal was trained as a bombardier/navigator for the B-26 bomber, flying missions over Germany. Among the World War II planes Ralph flew are the B-26 Martin Marauder-the first B-26 Trainer which he flew in until they were removed from combat. After the war, Ralph served in the United States Air Force as a senior ranking Non Commissioned Officer working in aerial photography. Duties included mapping the entire Empire of Japan.