"A Coven of Crows" is a delicious tale of witchcraft set in the modern landscape. The story follows nine-year-old Figgy and her mother, Blu, as they traverse the country evading Marlow, a devilish fiend, on a holy mission to wipe out paganism. Blu and Figgy find refuge within the Coven of Crows. This band of witches has survived for centuries and makes New Orleans their current home. The coven is led by Mary Catherine Lefleur; a beautiful wise woman that vows to protect the young novice witches. This sets up a show down between perceived good and evil.
The book is chalk full of wonderful characters and bone chilling moments. There is a historical context that might surprise some readers. Not to give too much away, but the reader will absolutely adore Norine and the other sisters that make up the Coven of Crows.