In the charming Christmas tale "Cosmo To The Rescue," young readers are introduced to Cosmo, a curious and compassionate cat who loves exploring the world around him. Here, Cosmo befriends an array of sea creatures, from playful dolphins to a wise old turtle, who is in desperate need of help. As Cosmo teams up with his new friends, they embark on a daring quest to rid the ocean of trash and rescue the turtle who has been tangled up in a mess of plastic. "Cosmo To The Rescue" not only provides a heartwarming story of unlikely friendships and teamwork but also serves as a call to action for young readers to take care of our oceans and the creatures that call it home
In the charming Christmas tale "Cosmo To The Rescue," young readers are introduced to Cosmo, a curious and compassionate cat who loves exploring the world around him. Here, Cosmo befriends an array of sea creatures, from playful dolphins to a wise old turtle, who is in desperate need of help. As Cosmo teams up with his new friends, they embark on a daring quest to rid the ocean of trash and rescue the turtle who has been tangled up in a mess of plastic. "Cosmo To The Rescue" not only provides a heartwarming story of unlikely friendships and teamwork but also serves as a call to action for young readers to take care of our oceans and the creatures that call it home