Conquest: Julius Caesar's Gallic War

Conquest: Julius Caesar's Gallic War

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In 58 B.C., the Helvetii of Gaul leave their homeland, requesting safe passage through Roman territory. Seizing the opportunity to realize his dream of conquering Celtica, Julius Caesar blocks their passage, launching the Gallic War. Over the next six years, with his famous Tenth Legion of elite imperial soldiers under his command, Caesar will lead the Roman Empire's last military campaign leading up to the Roman Civil War.

Painted entirely by hand in watercolor, Conquest: Julius Caesar's Gallic Wars is a free adaptation of one of the major works of humanity, Julius Caesar's "Commentarii de Bello Gallico," his first-hand account of the military campaign he led to conquer Gaul and expand the Roman Empire. Once his close friend and ally, the Gallic chieftain Vercingetorix is now Caesar's greatest enemy, and the only thing stopping him from conquering Gaul for Rome.

This free adaptation of The Gallic War is the result of a long artistic collaboration between Vincent Pompetti and Tarek, both great connoisseurs of antiquity. Both authors invite you to discover the unique story of a great moment in history that changed the face of the old world forever.

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