Coloring the word: The lost coin

Coloring the word: The lost coin

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Color this rich story of someone finding their greatest treasure. Tell this story to someone who is your treasure too. You can follow and tell the biblical story of the lost coin with the suggestion on the back of each sheet, take your time, tell the story on the page and allow the child to absorb its content by coloring each one. Use the English or Portuguese version and expand its universe, but more than that, my wish is for you to find a treasure greater than anything... Jesus!

D cor a essa rica histria de algum que encontra seu maior tesouro. Conte essa histria para algum que seu tesouro tambm. Voc pode acompanhar e contar a histria bblica da moeda perdida com a sugesto do verso de cada folha, no tenha pressa conte a histria da pgina e permita a criana absorver seu contedo colorindo cada uma. Use a verso em ingls ou portugus e amplie o universo dela, mas mais do que isso, meu desejo que vocs encontrem um tesouro maior que tudo... Jesus!

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