"Cold-Hearted Rake" is a captivating novel by renowned author Lisa Kleypas. This historical romance transports readers to the vividly described landscapes and social intricacies of Victorian England. The story centers around Devon Ravenel, a handsome and rebellious aristocrat who unexpectedly inherits a dilapidated estate and the responsibilities accompanying it. Uninterested in his newfound obligations, Devon plans to sell the property, but his intentions are challenged by the fierce Lady Kathleen, the widow of Devon's cousin.
As Devon becomes embroiled in the lives of the estate's residents, particularly the stubbornly spirited Kathleen, he begins to question his intentions and the life he wants to lead. The narrative artfully navigates themes of love, passion, and personal growth amidst the backdrop of class tension and family duty.
This enthralling tale is marked by Kleypas's signature wit and her ability to weave complex characters and relationships. Fans of historical romance and literature alike will find themselves lost in this engaging story where love struggles to find its way through the coldness of a calculated heart.