Tom Donaghy's adaptation of Chekhov's beloved and richly bittersweet comedy about a world in transition preserves the economy and humor of the original while highlighting the lyricism and stylistic ambition of the master playwright's final work. "Tom Donaghy has written a new adaptation of THE CHERRY ORCHARD that feels, at times, like an altogether new play: He propels Ronald Meyer's translation into modern vernacular ... Donaghy does capture the play's comedy and, paradoxically, its existential despair." -Jeremy McCarter, New York Magazine "A swift, modern adaptation by Tom Donaghy ... a distinctly comic and American emphasis." -Adam Feldman, Time Out "Chekhov famously preferred to think of his plays as comedies. Playwright Tom Donaghy honors that fact with a light-on-its feet adaptation ... Mostly, his fluid dialogue manages to lend a pleasing immediacy to the story ..." -Gordon Cox, Newsday
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