IN THIS COMPELLING third installment of the Jake Fortina global thriller series-set predominantly in Italy-US Army Lieutenant Colonel Jake Fortina and his Italian Carabinieri bride, Sara Simonetti-Fortina, must each face deadly threats from different enemies. Meanwhile, Jake Fortina's decision to seek a change in his life's mission turns out to be far more momentous than he expected. In facing dark criminal and international forces head-on, Jake's new mission will require him to seek the assistance of his closest allies while employing his utmost resourcefulness and agility. Will the assistance provided by a highly trusted US Army sergeant and a Ukrainian Air Force colonel be sufficient for Jake Fortina to accomplish his mission?
Change of Mission: A Jake Fortina Series Novel
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IN THIS COMPELLING third installment of the Jake Fortina global thriller series-set predominantly in Italy-US Army Lieutenant Colonel Jake Fortina and his Italian Carabinieri bride, Sara Simonetti-Fortina, must each face deadly threats from different enemies. Meanwhile, Jake Fortina's decision to seek a change in his life's mission turns out to be far more momentous than he expected. In facing dark criminal and international forces head-on, Jake's new mission will require him to seek the assistance of his closest allies while employing his utmost resourcefulness and agility. Will the assistance provided by a highly trusted US Army sergeant and a Ukrainian Air Force colonel be sufficient for Jake Fortina to accomplish his mission?